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Looking Back on 2020 with Gratitude

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Looking Back on 2020 with Gratitude

As we look back on the previous year, one thing is for certain. It has been a brighter, and more joyous year thanks to our clients!

I’d like to share a heartfelt thank you on behalf of our team to our new, continuing and returning clients for promoting kindness and creativity during such a uniquely unprecedented year. The world opening up again, slowly, but for us, our network has been full of reconnections.

We’ve had an unprecedented number of returning clients this year. Some are embarking on their next home and have asked us to help find the right development opportunity; many are installing home workstations, doing renovations to their home, repairing decks, and installing new tech for their home, like car lifts and new garage doors.

It has been a joy to know that these homes have grown alongside families and that they’d trust us again with their next projects. We’ve been so happy to provide services again — and even more excited to touch base with these families again!

It can feel daunting to set goals and plan for the future when 2020 was such a tumultuous year. Our relationship with our homes and our families has changed. There is a renewed need for beauty, calm, and purpose in our home – perhaps now, more than ever.

Ironically, this past year was going to be the year that Angelito and myself planned to travel. We downsized our home to an apartment downtown and planned to take more adventures. Instead of plane trips to new places, we’ve instead found new ways to explore BC, and have had the opportunity to revisit many homes from Novell’s past!

There is some light ahead as we all stretch and stumble back into familiar routines. The cycles of work and rest are carved deep into us, but we can be a little more flexible as well. We’re looking forward to continuing our design build work to make this possible within your homes.


Laurel James

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