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Truly Design Build

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Truly Design Build

Our company was founded by a designer & a builder, both experts in their respective disciplines, and both committed to a better way of building homes.

Novell has the in-house capabilities and expertise to handle both the design and construction aspects of a project, without relying heavily on subcontracting any of the core work to external parties. Here are some key characteristics that differentiate a truly design-build company from other builders who may claim to offer design-build services, but subcontract out the design:

In-house design team

As a truly design-build company, we have an in-house team of designers, technicians and/or other design professionals who work closely with the construction team. Our systems are integrated. This allows for seamless collaboration between the design and construction phases, with better coordination, communication, and accountability.

Single point of responsibility

In our truly design-build approach, we are the single point of responsibility for the entire project, including both the design and construction. This means that Novell takes full ownership of the project from start to finish, eliminating potential gaps or conflicts between different parties. Our designers know that what they draw and specify must be buildable, and our construction team inherently knows that the design vision is a critical part of the project. We are accountable to you, and ourselves within.

Integrated at every step

As a truly design-build company, we embrace an integrated project delivery approach, where the design and construction teams work collaboratively from the early stages of the project. This allows for more efficient decision-making, value engineering, and problem-solving, resulting in a better-integrated and optimized project outcome.

Design expertise and innovation

As a truly design-build company, we have a deep understanding of design principles and possesses the creativity and innovation to deliver unique and tailored solutions that meet the client's specific needs and preferences. This goes beyond basic construction and involves a strong focus on design quality, aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.

Client-centric approach

As a truly design-build company, we prioritize the client's vision, requirements, and satisfaction throughout the entire project. This includes actively involving the client in the design process, providing regular updates, incorporating feedback, and ensuring that the final product meets or exceeds the client's expectations.

In contrast, companies that subcontract out design may have limited control over the design process, may face challenges in coordination and communication between different parties, and may not be able to offer the same level of seamless integration and innovation that a truly design-build company can provide.

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